Go Green
Since its foundation, RLT has always defined Environment, Quality and Safety as permanent and priority objectives.
Environment - Quality - Safe
A balanced management of the three components within the organization consolidates its management policy to ensure a greater degree of satisfaction of its Stakeholders.
In fact, the minimization of environmental impacts and the involvement of all employees, both internal and external, has been fundamental in promoting the diffusion of greater environmental responsibility within our organization.
Real Life Technologies assumes the dual responsibility of maintaining a focus on contributing to the maintenance and improvement of the environment and the provision of products and services that customers can value and recognize as a result of a decisive action for this environmental valuation.
Sustainability mission statement
Our development, production and supply processes will minimize environmental pollution and be 100% in compliance with environmental legislation. We will consistently base all our actions on sustainability principles to protect our planet and future.
Company-level environmental sustainability goals:
- Change our car fleet to 50% electric by the end of 2024
- Net zero by 2040